Keep Turning the Pages
by Minister Anita L. Cobbins
Biblical faith. Who can accurately define it? Certainly not me.
However, I can share how God has worked in my life, revealing Himself, His overall plan and unique purposes in situations I encountered. More than ever, I know why Jesus is the reason for my hope, source of my strength and lover of my soul.
This is why I wrote Keep Turning the Pages. I decided that I could no longer cheat people out of benefiting from my faith experiences. I owe them that much. I owe that much more to God.
So, Keep Turning the Pages – my personal, faith-driven journey to be discover who I am despite heartaches, hurts, challenges, triumphs and more.
Go ahead. Laugh, cry and contemplate. I believe there is a story somewhere in this book that will touch your life, encourage you to change for the better and deepen your relationship with God.
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 978-0-9828379-9-3
ISBN: 978-0-9828379-9-3