Purpose Publishing offers a wide range of products to help you get your book written, produced and into the hands of your audience.
Book Publishing
From start to finish Purpose Publishing will help you write your book. You can find more about our book publishing services on our pricing pages.
You Preach it.
Author SchoolThis 8 week module driven course is designed to ensure that as a new author you begin with the end in mind. The end of course being meeting your goals of selling more books, being relevant on social media, building a loyal fan base, engaging your audience and handling the business side of book. Each weekly module covers topics that are ABSOLUTLEY necessary in having success from book concept, through publishing and at launch. Learn from experts in the fields of finance, communications, confidence, marketing, promotion, web and publicity. Contact us to find out dates/ times/ locations LIVE and online.
Marketing Services
Promotional materials (bookmarks, postcards, business cards, etc.)
Banners (Vertical, horizontal, retractable and table top) Table drapes and skirting (customized, printed or embroidered) Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Ping; get help-go social) Publicist Services (Engagements, interviews, appearances; our team your dream) |