School of Dreams
by Brenette Wilder
***PLACEHOLDER!!!!***** Power n 24/7 Praise is an eclectic writing of short stories with poems illustrating how those who read this book can have power to live victoriously throughoutstress, struggles, and turmoil this life brings. This book attempts to demonstrate when including God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in daily living how praise can become habitual. Living in 24/7 praise is living with power! You will have not only power but peace, joy, love and sound mind that God provides through His word.
I invite you to wonder around in my dark closets. However, before you turn on the flashlight, * Take a moment or two to reflect over your own life. * Reflect on your current relationships, your health situations, your spiritual needs, emotional and mental circumstances. Are you where you want to be? * Do you really want change for the better? * Next, get ready for a priority shift, a paradigmatic alteration, a change in heart. * There is no particular order in reading so you don’t necessarily have to start at the beginning. Dive in anywhere with expectations to receive.
Poem (s) following each short story will further enlighten your perception of what you just read. Be sure not to jump ahead and read them following each story.
My prayer upon completion of reading this book is that you will rethink what has become for ages an outward appearance to a perhaps inward misconception… 1) True worship is not displayed only two to three hours one day a week. 2) The power of God is not to be kept between pages of the bible, but to be put on and worn as garments of praise power!
School of Dreams
Brenette Wilder
ISBN: 978-09828379-2-4
PRICE: $18.95
Brenette Wilder
ISBN: 978-09828379-2-4
PRICE: $18.95