12. Did you know your can use Amazon Author Central to market your book internationally? Amazon is present in a lot of other countries, and each of these will also have an Author Central Page just like the one you’ve just signed up for in your home country. By getting access to the international sites available, you’re increasing you book’s reach.
13. Just because your book was releases five years ago doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue promoting it. After all, when a reader comes across a book it’s new to them. There will always be a new audience for your book. Do a re-launch and send out a new press release — give the PR a fresh spin based on a new edition, or add review quotes, or tie the book to a news trend that relates.
14. Start a blog! Blogging is an easy and interactive way to really connect with others who are interested in the same things as you are. You can include excerpts from the book you’re promoting, or talk about how you developed your characters, came up with the theme, or even discuss insider matters such as the publishing process.
15. Think ahead. Don’t stop at one book idea; keep going! Don’t be a “one hit wonder” and leave your readers without another book to turn to once they’ve finished your first. Readers tend to “binge-read” when they find an author they really enjoy — so make sure to give them plenty to binge on.
16. Get into the mind of your readers and you’ll understand better what they are interested in. Marketing to the general public is not the way to go; instead, you need to market to your specific niche. Define the characteristics of your reader and appeal to these traits.
17. Don’t spam your readers. Sending out constant e-mails and social media posts about your books is not going to keep them interested; instead, it may drive them away. You want to approach your readers as people — not dollar signs.
18. You are up against so many other authors and you need to be able to distinguish yourself from them. Staying professional is very important — you want people to trust you mean what you say and know what you’re talking about. Once you know the message you are sending and have developed a strategy on how to effectively send it, stick to it!
19. Approach your local media. Find groups or publications that are interested in your book’s genre and reach out to them about cross-promotion. Look for opportunities to do interviews. Enter contests, contact book clubs and suggest your book to them for their next read, and participate in as many book or publishing-related events as possible (book fairs, literary conferences, writing retreats, etc.).
20. Believe in yourself and your writing! Be happy and proud of your accomplishment thus far: you are a writer with a published book and people are reading it!
Purpose Publishing will be attending the Just Say Yes event on December 12, 2015. For more details or to register, go to www.brendambarrett.com |