Hello authors and friends,
The KC Urban Book Expo will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2017, at the Gregg Klice Community Center. This event is free to the public and should be an awesome opportunity to network. As an author, this is another opportunity for you to connect with potential readers and fans. Purpose Publishing will be represented at the event. If you are interested in sharing a table with Purpose Publishing, please email my assistant Katina Long.
The expo is being held from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm and lunch will be provided (BONUS). For more information, go online http://www.eventbee.com/v/bookfair/event?eid=182254922#/tickets.
Unable to make it, but would like to have your book available for purchase? Call Michelle at 816-401-7527 to have your book ready and available for sale at the book fair The cost is only $25 (for one or more titles) + $1 per book sold; everything else comes back to you the author. A great way to get your book sold without having to be in more than one place at one time. (You will be responsible for getting books to the Purpose Publishing office to have available for retail. All books for retail must be dropped off to the office no later than Thursday, May 25 by 6:00 pm. Any proceeds and unsold books must be picked up by Tuesday, May 30, 2017).
WANT YOUR OWN TABLE? There's still time to sign up:
Register online at http://www.eventbee.com/v/bookfair/event?eid=182254922#/tickets