They doubt themselves, they doubt positive outcomes, and they doubt they will achieve the success they’re so desperately working toward.
Because the voice inside your mind takes everything you’ve ever heard or seen throughout your life and throws it back at you exactly when you don’t need it. Worries, bad dreams, and memories of people telling you that you can’t… all things that are completely unhelpful in most situations.
A lot of writers, even very accomplished authors, have doubt. They don’t feel like their writing is good enough.
That’s a dangerous game to play. If you convince yourself you’re not doing well, then it becomes easier to give up -- and that is the opposite of what we want to achieve here.
To overcome your doubts and any fears you may have of writing a book, there are 15 practices you can use to help.
Write often, even when you don’t want to
One of the best ways to overcome your fears of writing is to write 1,000 words a day. The key to writing a book is to just write. Like most things, you can’t get worse at writing by doing it.
Stop thinking about what other people will think
Don’t worry about what others are going to think of your writing or of your book -- that’s what reviewing and editing are for. Right now, just focus on getting your message out of your head!
Say affirmations that rid your mind of the fear of failure
Rather than focusing on the fear of why you think you can’t write a book, focus on the future and how you’ll feel when it’s done.
Start today,