I saw an image of a watch the other day that had the words NOW written in the middle of it. It got me to thinking…. By looking at the time on this watch. Whether it is in the middle of the day, the middle of the night, in the middle of a board meeting or at the dinner table the time is still the same. The time is NOW. Now means “at the present time or moment.” Now is a reminder to be fully present wherever you are.
If you’re in the board meeting, be fully present. Give that event all of your attention. If you’re at the dinner table with your family, be fully present. Don’t worry about the next board meeting. Give your family full attention.
One way to help with this is to write down your daily objectives. Those things that don’t get done today can be rolled over to the next day.
After the event is over and you leave with new items that must be completed, write them down. Writing out your reflective thoughts and next steps keeps your mind uncluttered. This way you are not “trying to remember” it throughout the rest of the day.
Utilize a digital calendar and it will send you reminders. Once you have completed your weekly overview and prepared for your week, you can be fully present at each phase in the day because of simply organizing your thoughts.
Besides your family deserve for you to be fully present. Give them your NOW by organizing your later.
Over the past two years my life's priorities have changed. I used to work really hard at the expense of my husband and children; taking meetings, overloading my schedule and plum just giving myself away to everyone else. But much has changed for me lately, I spend more time ensuring a good balance between business and family. Giving now by preparing for later works great for me. Won't you try it. You'll be glad you did! Or maybe you already do, if so, share your success!
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