Everyone can write but not everyone is a writer. Writing is personal but it can also be something to share. Before you get started, ask yourself a few questions:
- Who is the audience I am trying to reach?
- Am I writing this for me and me alone?
- What do I want to write about?
- Who is my target audience?
It does not matter how you want to write or what you write on. Just getting your thoughts out is what you want to do. Thoughts become words, words become actions, and actions produce a finished product.
Writing is therapy. It is healthy because it cleans out your head, heart, and when the mind is uncluttered, you may be surprised how quickly those pages fill up.
Do not get frustrated. Do not be in a rush when you write. However, it is important to set time aside on a regular basis. It does not have to be a lot at one time but consistency is very important.
Your mind is where the thoughts begin. Start with a few words. Watch those words turn into sentences. Next you will see a paragraph and eventually a page. You will empower yourself by writing every day.
Perhaps you just want to write for the sake of writing but you have no intention in securing an agent or publisher for your work. Not everyone wants their writing published. But, nine out of ten times, you will produce something that you will want to see your name on. That is what is so exciting.
Be ready to take criticism. Even from your best friends. You are doing this for you. Not for anyone else. This is your story, long or short. This is your issue, your desire, and your reason. Own your writing and do not let anyone tell you NO!
Be confident and do not give up. If it is in your heart than put it down on paper. Reread it. Reread what you wrote and find that writer inside you. It is much easier than you think. Enjoy the journey.