If, like millions of adults, you have ever asked yourself, "What is the purpose of my life?" then you will discover There’s a surprisingly, simple solution for soul searchers in their thirties, forties, midlife, and beyond. The key to overcoming the obstacles that get in the way of finding fulfillment in adulthood is to shape a legacy that will last beyond our lifetimes.
As I’m getting older, I’m enthralled with the idea of how the life and work I’m doing now will affect our legacies that live on after my own death. I give G.O.A.L a different meaning. For me it’s Go On After Life! What am I doing now that will continue after I’m gone. When I leave this earthly habitat and experience eternity, I want the father to say to me “well done good and faithful servant”. But I’d like my family and friends to be able to say thank you for what I’ve left behind. It’s my personal cultivation and desire in this life to impact future generations. Building a solid business or developing a new idea can be as vital as raising children or sharing our wisdom with young ones -- and for each of us, finding your personal legacy that is right is half the challenge. What will your legacy for your children be? It’s not only a financial, but morals and values that should be passed down from generation to generation as well.
Here are 6 steps to begin your line of thinking about what will you leave behind?
1. First, look to the past. Deal with positive and negative ideals received from our parents or others. What shaped your outlook on life? Was it positive or negative?
2. The second step is called stop any damage. You recognize in this stage when we as parents can buffer or protect our children from our own painful experiences.
3. The third step, we find our voice. This is where we use it to influence and shape the lives of those around us. Our children, our friends, our family and even our co-workers. A kind word, a smile, a laugh are all apaet of the legacy we leave behind.
4. The fourth step is a call for blending our lives with the lives of others. It's team work, collaboration and love. It's here that we truly see how each joint supplies. The giving of ourselves together to create a beautiful mosaic of life. This is the place that your legacy comes alive. Right here, when you and them (all the others in your life) can see how you made each other's lives better, richer, more fulfilled-legacy.
5. By now, we begin to choose what to hold onto and what should be let go. Legacy will require us letting go of our creations, such as seeing our children off to find their own way, or selling a business when the time comes to move on. In order to be a legacy we leave behind, we have to be comfortable letting go.
6. And the final step is when we learn to share, that we experience the ultimate fulfillment. Remember when you were a child and watching the older generation watching you? Now, you become the older generation watching the younger ones.
Creating a legacy that lasts is within each person's grasp. This is an innovative and sophisticated way to inspire yourself or other’s to prepare for your future. What will you leave behind?
To Your Success,