The good news is that we have the option to change our focus, and change our future. We can choose to adjust our focus and begin to see growing prosperity in all areas of our lives. I like this quote I heard recently by Joel Osteen, When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.
A great positive outlook has always made a difference in my life. I believe wholeheartedly that the full glass will always over flow. Powerful forces are released when we focus on the positive, and focus on being a blessing. And keep in mind: this is not in reference to the financial realm only, but all areas of life; spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially.
Here’s 4 quick ways I like to stay focused on being positive. Everyday.
1 .Focus on GIVING – Not Getting
God gave so we can give. None of the gifts and blessings we receive should be self-absorbed. Nothing we have is meant to be hoarded. We are told to be good stewards over all that has been given to us. Giving and sharing is a basic elementary principle. We are blessed to be a blessing.
together, and running over.”
— Luke 6:38
God gave us family and friends, and our relationships come with the responsibility to help one another. Of course we all have needs, but the trouble starts when we put our focus on our own personal needs not being met. Soon frustration, bitterness, and anger creeps in because of what another person is not doing. But our focus needs to be on “What can I do to help meet their need?” and not on what they can do to meet mine. When our focus is on meeting the needs of others and trusting God to meet ours, we also live with a great sense of peace
let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all
understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
— Philippians 4:6-7
Life is short. We should live with a purpose to be positive, godly examples and good stewards over the time we are given. It is important to be a life-long student and teacher; always learning and always passing on that knowledge. Ultimately, teaching others how to teach.
who should arise and declare them to their children.”
— Psalm 78:6
Live life with a purpose to do all things in love. Let love be a primary focus and measure of giving. Remember, God so loved that He gave. God gave first – let us focus on His example of abundant loving and giving, and follow it.
Bottom line: Focus on being a blessing and unleash powerful forces in your life! Be generous, serve, purpose to empower others, and love abundantly. May you be blessed to be a blessing and live a life of growing prosperity!
To Your Success
Author Feature: Shawn Moore
Tools of the Trade